od 16.9. - 11 dní. bHotel/b Euro Village ACHILLEAS ???? letecky z Bratislavy, odlet 12:00. ALL INCLUSIVE 1 ? ? Kos od 16.9. - 11 dní. bHotel/b Atlantis ???? letecky z Bratislavy, odlet 12:00. ALL INCLUSIVE ... Golfové ihrisko sa tak priradí k ďalším relaxačným atrakciám v Rajeckej doline - kúpaliskám, liečebným kúpeľom v Rajeckých Tepliciach a zimným strediskám Čičmany a bRajecká Lesná/b. Prvá časť s deviatimi jamkami by sa mala otvoriť už koncom leta. ...
The weather was kind to us all day and after viewing and strolling around the beautiful lake below, we called into a supermarket after the train journey and walked home to Hutnik 2 and on the way to the hotel we passed the memorial ...
Soft drink producer and distributor Kofola, based in Rajecka Lesna, has bought the rights to the popular soft drink Vinea from wine producer Vitis Pezinok, company officials reported. Marian Sefcovic, Kofola?s director general, ...